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Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University holds a conference to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China

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  In the afternoon of June 24, the Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Provincial Hospital) held a grand meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Chenghe Building, East Campus.

  The senior Party members who have joined the Party for 50 years and outstanding collectives and individuals of the Hospital were commended. Meng Dong, Secretary of the Hospital’s Party Committee, delivered a speech, and the Hospital’s leadership team attended the meeting.

  JIANG Minjie, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over the meeting. Secretaries of the General Party Branch, secretaries of Party Branch, the directors and deputies of the administrative departments, section chiefs, and deputy section chiefs in charge of the work, chief physician and associate chief physicians of major medical departments, head nurses of major medical departments, directors and deputy directors of clinical departments, hospital head nurses, and representatives of Party members attended the meeting.

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  At the meeting, ZHAO Jiajun, president of the Provincial Hospital, announced the commendation bulletin for excellent Communist Party members, Party affairs workers and advanced grass-roots Party organizations in the meeting of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

  XIAO Wei, member of the Party Committee and hospital vice president, announced the winners of the "Talk about a century of Party building -- telling the Party about my feelings". Wang Rong, member of the Party Committee and hospital vice president, announced the Hospital's decision to commend outstanding Party member volunteers.

  Representatives of 10 senior Party members came to the stage to receive commemorative medal of joining the Party for 50 years. “Two excellence and one advance” (excellent members of the CPC, excellent Party affairs workers, advanced grass-roots Party organizations) celebrated by the Hospital for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the award-winning member of "Talk about a century of Party building -- telling the Party about my feelings" and representatives of outstanding Party member volunteers came to the stage to receive the awards in turn.

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  MENG Dong first reviewed the development of the Hospital in his speech. He stressed that under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Hospital was able to make firm steps, grow rapidly, and achieve brilliant achievements worthy of people and times.

  Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, we must study and summarize the Party’s history well, and inherit and carry forward the Party’s successful experience well.

  Combining with the current tasks, MENG Dong requested comprehensively strengthening the Party's building, highlighting the Party’s political building, keeping in mind the oath of joining the Party, firming ideals and convictions, strengthening the "Four Consciousnesses", firming the "Four Self-Confidence", and achieving the "Two Safeguards", and always maintaining a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee with Comrade XI Jinping as the core in ideology, politics and action.

  We will strengthen the study and education of Party history in an all-round way. It is necessary to carry out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the people", especially to combine the learning and education of the Party history with solving the problem of patients, and to combine the learning and education of the Party history with promoting the high-quality development of hospitals in the new era.

  We will fully implement strict Party governance. We will continue to persevere in uprightness and discipline, and create a clean and upright political ecology. All the staff and cadres of the Hospital should firm beliefs, keep in mind the original aspiration, learn from role model, and earnestly practice advocates. All should contribute to the hospital building, meet the needs of people for a stronger hospital and constantly create the quality development of the Hospital to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with excellent performances.

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  The oath of joining the Party for the new Party members of the Provincial Hospital in 2021 and gala are held after the meeting

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Chorus: "Party! Dear Mother" " Battle Hymn of Volunteer Army"

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Sing red songs "The Mountain Is Red" "Red Army Soldiers Missing MAO Zedong"

"Ten send-offs to the Red Army" "Wanquan River Water"

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Violin playing "Rong Flower"

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Dance "The Never-Disappearing Electric Wave"

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Recitation "Ode to the Party Flag"

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Song and Dance "China in the Light"

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Solo and duet "Beautiful Homeland" and "Never Forget the Original Aspiration"

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Costume show "Angel Style"

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Dance "Prosperity and Beauty"

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Comic Sketch "Waiting for You to Come Home"

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Singing together "Yearning" and "The Rising and Never Setting Sun on the Grassland"

"My Motherland and me", "Devote Everything to the Party"

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Scene recitation "Speed of Life and Death"

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chorus "Sing a Folk Song for the Party"

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Singing "Without the Communist Party there would be no new China"

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