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[Media report · Poster news] Lin Xiaoyan: Stick to the square inch, "accurate" navigation disease diagnosis and treatment

Source: Department of Pathology Release time: 2024-08-29 Number of views:

  Recently, the public network · poster news planning "Discipline Leader" video interview column, with the lens and text dialogue medical masters, witness the development of the discipline。The guest of this video interview with "Discipline Leader" is Lin Xiaoyan, the leader and director of the Department of Pathology of Shandong First Medical University Affiliated Provincial Hospital (Shandong Provincial Hospital)。

  Many people's understanding of the department of pathology is vague, and even confused with the laboratory。In medicine, pathological diagnosis is considered to be the "gold standard" of disease diagnosis, and pathologists are also known as the "high reference" of clinicians.。As one of the indispensable departments in large general hospitals, the authority of pathological diagnosis determines its core role in all diagnostic methods。

  The Department of Pathology of the Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Provincial Hospital) was founded in 1957,After nearly 70 years of accumulation and development,It has become a large-scale pathological diagnosis institution integrating medical treatment, teaching and scientific research,It is a provincial key clinical specialty and affiliated unit of the Clinical Pathology Branch of Shandong Provincial Doctors Association。The department has more than 100,000 cases of external examination annually, and more than 4,000 cases of consultation annually. The level of pathological diagnosis and pathological technology is among the best in the province。


Expert card


  Lin Xiaoyan

  Doctor of Medicine, chief physician, doctoral supervisor, postdoctoral co-supervisor, Director of Department of Pathology, Provincial Hospital。

  Ministry of Education science and technology management information system expert database expert,National Graduate Education Evaluation expert database,Qilu health and health leader,The fourth provincial medical craftsman,Member of Pathology Branch of Shandong Medical Association,Member of Pathology Branch of Shandong Medical Association,Member of Lung Cancer multidisciplinary Professional Committee of Shandong Medical Association,Member of Precision Medicine Branch of Shandong Medical Association,Deputy head of thoracic and pulmonary Group, Pathology Branch of Shandong Anticancer Association。

  He presided over 2 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, published more than 30 SCI papers, edited 2 books and 4 invention patents。

  Subdivision professional, "gold standard" excellence

  Sample sampling, paraffin preparation, disease diagnosis...With the progress of modern medicine, clinical diagnosis needs more and more accurate and reliable pathology reports, rather than making judgments through subjective experience。Clinicians need to use pathology reports to determine treatment, estimate prognosis, and interpret clinical symptoms。Therefore, China's respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan once said: "The level of pathology is a measure of a country and a hospital's medical quality sign.。”

  "Pathological diagnosis is a high-level evidence-based diagnosis, also known as the 'gold standard' of disease diagnosis, especially in determining the benign and malignant tumors with authority, accurate pathological diagnosis is the premise and guarantee of patient treatment.。Lin Xiaoyan, director of the Department of Pathology of the Provincial Hospital, said that the department of pathology is also a bridge discipline, connecting basic medicine and clinical medicine。

  As one of the indispensable departments for the development of a hospital, the Pathology Department of Provincial Hospital was founded in 1957, and its history of development has been spread out。"After nearly 70 years of accumulation and development, the Department of Pathology has become a large-scale pathological diagnosis institution integrating medical treatment, teaching and scientific research, and is a provincial clinical key specialty in Shandong Province and an affiliated unit of Shandong Pathologist Association.。The department is the first batch of standardized resident training bases and remote consultation center pilot units approved by the National Health Commission (former Ministry of Health)。In the interview, Lin Xiaoyan introduced that the department has a reasonable staff structure and strong strength, with 63 existing staff, including 7 chief physicians, 13 deputy chief physicians and 4 attending physicians。Among them, 27 have a doctoral degree and 7 have a master's degree。At present, there are 14 teachers, 1 doctoral supervisor, 8 postgraduate supervisors, and 1 leading health talent in Qilu, Shandong Province, all of whom have rich experience in pathological diagnosis and teaching。

  It is worth mentioning that the discipline construction of pathology department of provincial hospital is based on a high starting point, high standards and high levels, and has boldly explored and innovated in the aspects of talent construction, scientific research and teaching, and clinical technology, and has walked out of a new way of scientific development。"In 2013, in order to adapt to the trend of medical development and the needs of precision diagnosis and treatment, the department of pathology began to turn to the construction of subspecialty pathology。Lin Xiaoyan said that at present, the department has more than 10 pathological subspecialties such as respiratory, digestive, gynecology, lymphoma, nerve, head and neck, kidney disease, bone and soft tissue, and has become a large pathological diagnosis center integrated with medical teaching and research in the province。The department has more than 100,000 cases of external examination annually, and more than 4,000 cases of consultation annually. The level of pathological diagnosis and pathological technology is among the best in the province。"Even for complex and difficult cases sent for consultation, our department still won the confirmation of the same diagnosis by authoritative domestic pathologists with its excellent technology.。"Lin Xiaoyan said。

  In addition, in addition to the completion of clinical pathological diagnosis, the provincial hospital pathology department staff also undertake a number of scientific research work, undertake 15 national natural fund, more than 40 provincial projects, published more than 200 articles, and applied for 10 patents。

  Between the square inch, showing the great doctor's sincerity

  In the hospital, the pathology department almost does not have direct contact with patients, but is known as "the doctor's doctor" and "the judge of life", they sigh the life and death struggle through the microscope from one slice to another, and they know that every pathological diagnosis may become a turning point or watershed in the life of patients。

  Pathological diagnosis is also known as the "gold standard" of diagnosis, so how heavy is its "gold content"?"What kind of lesion is present, inflammation or tumor?Whether the tumor is benign or malignant?Early stage or late stage?The information provided by the pathological diagnosis report is the final diagnosis of the disease, which directly affects the choice and formulation of the treatment plan and the prognosis of the clinician。Lin Xiaoyan said firmly that in theory, the diagnosis of pathology allows for a 1% misdiagnosis rate, but a 1% misdiagnosis is 100% harm to the individual patient, and such consequences are unacceptable。

  "It's not just my name that we signed, it's more the responsibility of a pathologist。"That's why,In order to provide patients with more accurate pathological diagnosis,Over the years,The pathology department of provincial hospital focuses on standardized sampling of pathological specimens and precise diagnosis under microscope,This is the focus of continuous exploration in related technical fields,In the practical work accumulated more practical technology,It provides more reliable technical support for clinicopathological diagnosis。

  "The pathology department of provincial hospital now routinely carries out HE staining, immunohistochemistry, special staining, molecular detection and other projects, which are the most commonly used diagnosis and treatment techniques in the pathology department。In the interview,Lin Xiaoyan specific introduction said,Fast wax technology is particularly important for acute cases, surgical cases, and cases requiring rapid diagnosis,Facilitates early intervention and treatment,Improving patients' quality of life;Lung cancer gene detection is of great significance for the accurate treatment of lung cancer patients,Help to improve the treatment effect and survival rate;PD-L1 detection is one of the important indexes to predict the efficacy of immunotherapy,It is of great significance for individual treatment of immunotherapy patients.FISH technology can be used to detect abnormal genes,Such as HER2 gene amplification in breast cancer,It is of great significance for the accurate treatment of breast cancer patients,Help to improve the treatment effect and survival rate;The Department has also developed other molecular detection techniques,Such as lung cancer, colon cancer EGFR, ALK, KRAS and other gene mutation detection items,It provides important reference for these tumors。

  In addition, the Department of Pathology has also carried out an AI-assisted pathological diagnosis project。The implementation of these projects not only improves the department's diagnostic level for difficult cases, but also provides an important guarantee for the clinical precision treatment of diseases and the benefit of patients, and keeps up with the new progress in the development of cancer diagnosis and treatment at home and abroad to meet the treatment needs。

  For a long time, "talking about cancer color change" is the consistent attitude of people to tumors。At present, with the continuous improvement of medical level, some tumors are no longer invincible diseases。As the "vanguard" of clinical diagnosis,The pathology department of provincial hospital has been conducting scientific research and exploration in tumor diagnosis and treatment,And the prognostic model of various solid tumors, the relationship between tumor immune microenvironment and tumor immunotherapy, tumor drug resistance related research,And the model establishment and research of artificial intelligence diagnosis for tumor prognosis have achieved good results。"In the next step, the Department of Pathology will continue to devote itself to in-depth research on the mechanism of tumorigenesis and development。"Lin Xiaoyan said。

  Continue to explore and lead the development of regional disciplines

  As mentioned above, accurate pathological diagnosis plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients' diseases。However, due to the influence of many factors such as space, region and imbalance in pathological development, many patients are difficult to obtain accurate and efficient pathological diagnosis。

  Over the years, the Department of Pathology of the Provincial hospital has carried out effective exploration in remote consultation, and has been certified as the pilot provincial remote consultation center for tumor pathology。"The provincial remote consultation Center for tumor pathology in our department was established in 2015, with an annual consultation volume of more than 1,000 cases。Remote consultation provides patients with timely and accurate pathological diagnosis results and avoids the suffering of long-distance travel。At the same time, remote consultation also improves the level of pathological diagnosis of primary doctors and reduces the rate of misdiagnosis。Lin Xiaoyan introduced that with the development of information technology, intelligent pathology will become an inevitable trend in the development of the department。Through the construction of digital pathology information system and artificial intelligence diagnosis system, the comprehensive digitization of pathology diagnosis, teaching, scientific research and management is realized。Next, the department will promote the information construction of the department, continue to carry out remote consultation, and better serve the majority of patients。

  The ability of the pathologist to make accurate diagnosis comes from the "fire eye" trained day after day in the mountains of pathological sections.。Between the dimensions of this slide, the test is the wisdom of the pathologist;Beyond the square inch, is the pathologist's profound and solid film reading skills and never slack in learning。In order to improve the theoretical level and diagnostic level of the pathology department of the basic hospital, the pathology department of the provincial hospital has also carried out beneficial exploration。It is reported that in terms of standardized training of doctors, the pathology department of provincial hospital is the first batch of standardized training bases for resident doctors approved by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, and the pass rate of the completion exam has been maintained at 100%。3 years of systematic training,Doctors can master the basic theory of pathology, basic skills and diagnosis methods of common diseases,Train a large number of pathological talents for grassroots hospitals,In recent years,More than 40 people successfully completed the program in the Department of Pathology of Provincial hospital;In the "Chronic disease Health Management - Cancer screening and early diagnosis" project training course,The Department of Pathology of Provincial Hospital conducts two training sessions of "Chronic Disease Health Management - Cancer Screening and early Diagnosis" project every year,Improve the cancer screening and early diagnosis capacity of primary doctors;The Department of Pathology of Provincial Hospital undertakes the academic annual meeting of the Branch of Pathology of Shandong Medical Doctor Association every year,Invited well-known experts at home and abroad to teach,Exchange cutting-edge pathological diagnosis knowledge and share diagnostic experience,To help improve the level of pathology theory and diagnosis in basic hospitals。

  Talking about the future, Lin Xiaoyan is ambitious, "The Department of Pathology of the Provincial hospital will continue to improve the discipline visibility and discipline ranking, build a domestic first-class team of pathological diagnosis experts, and establish a domestic well-known medical teaching and research comprehensive development of pathological diagnosis center.。”