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The Provincial Hospital affiliated to Shandong First Medical University held the 2024 teaching round competition for young and mid-year clinical teachers

Information Source: Teaching Department Release time: 2024-09-09 Number of views:

  In order to create a good teaching atmosphere and promote the improvement of teaching quality, on the occasion of the 40th Teachers' Day, on August 30, the Provincial Hospital affiliated to Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Provincial Hospital) held the final of the teaching round competition for mid-year and young clinical teachers in 2024。Wang Rong, member of the Party Committee and vice president of the hospital, attended and delivered a speech, and Wang Bo, director of the teaching department, presided over。More than 300 people, including directors, deputy directors, teaching secretaries, representatives of key teachers, students, interns and all staff of the teaching department of the hospital, attended the event, and the Shandong Telemedicine Center broadcasted the event simultaneously。

  In his speech, Vice President Wang Rong reviewed the teaching history and fruitful achievements of the hospital, and pointed out that by holding the teaching round competition for young and middle-aged clinical teachers, it is conducive to changing the teaching concept of clinical teachers, improving the teaching ability and teaching level of clinical teachers, and promoting the growth and development of young and middle-aged teachers。This competition is closely in line with this year's Teachers' Day "to vigorously promote the spirit of educators.,Accelerate the building of education power "theme,It is hoped that the young and middle-aged clinical teachers can find their shortcomings and learn from each other through the competition,Improve their clinical teaching ability,Form a good teaching atmosphere,Jointly promote hospital teaching work to a new level,Cultivate more and better clinical teaching talents。

  The competition is divided into two stages: preliminary and final。The preliminary competition will be organized by the professional base, and the teaching Department will organize the evaluation experts of the preliminary competition to evaluate the entry materials submitted by the participating teams, such as the video, teaching round teaching plan and PPT courseware。After intense competition, a total of 8 teams stood out from the 21 participating teams and entered the final。

  The final invited Yang Mian Hua, member of the Clinical Medicine Professional Certification Committee of the Ministry of Education, expert in undergraduate teaching review and evaluation, former executive Vice President of Shantou University Medical School;Li Xiaoyu, a certified expert in Clinical medicine of the Ministry of Education, former Party Secretary and vice president of Peking University Aerospace Center Hospital;Shao Jia, executive director of the first batch of national education informatization demonstration units and chairperson-designate of the Educational Technology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association;Wang Ying, clinical medical professional certification expert of Ministry of Education, former Director of Education Department of Peking University First Hospital;Zhang Shuhong, head of standardized training base for internal medicine residents of Jinan Central Hospital;Shang Liang, deputy director of the gastrointestinal Surgery Department of the East Hospital of our hospital, and 3 representatives of graduate students served as judges。Professor Li Xiaoyu served as the chairman of the jury。


  The final was conducted in the mode of "Classroom case report - standardized patient bedside round scenario simulation - classroom case discussion"。According to the scoring standard of teaching rounds, the judges conducted on-site evaluation in line with the principle of "fairness, justice and openness", and made wonderful comments on the teaching rounds process, operation specifications, PPT courseware production, clinical information collection, case discussion and teaching interaction。

  After intense competition,最终,Pediatric surgery Li Tianyou team won the first prize,The team of Surgery (Urology) Wu Haihu and the team of Internal Medicine Xu Li won the second prize,The team of Wang Peng in the Department of Intensive Care Medicine, the team of Li Xiaonan in the Department of General Medicine, the team of Wang Jing in the department of Pediatrics, the team of Fu Cong in the Department of Surgery (orthopedic surgery), and the team of Zhou Qian in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology won the third prize,Several teams received excellence awards。The hospital will give a unified commendation to the winning team。

  Teaching ward round is an important link in teaching practice and an effective way to train medical students' clinical thinking and practical ability。Our hospital regularly organizes teaching rounds, theoretical lectures, small lectures, case discussions and other forms of teaching activities every year, and strengthens teaching supervision to standardize, institutionalize and normalize all kinds of teaching activities, so as to enhance teaching ability and improve teaching quality, and ultimately achieve the purpose of improving the quality of talent training。